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WorldEdit - Do really big things in-game! In-game map editor and more

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  • #1 Jan 27, 2011

    WorldEdit is an easy-to-use in-game world editor for Minecraft, supporting both single player and multiplayer.

    • Build grand and amazing things beyond what you could do before
    • Fix problems with your world while you play your game
    • Quickly create, replace or delete thousands of blocks in seconds
    • Level an entire mountain and replace it with natural looking terrain
    • Use hand-bound tools and brushes to quickly make changes
    • Generate spheres, cylinders, cuboids, forests, pumpkin patches, and snowy areas
    • Use your compass to quickly teleport to areas by left clicking or using /jumpto
    • Choose an area and have it instantly restored from backups
    • Copy areas, paste them, load them, and save them as .schematics

    WorldEdit has no impact on your game load time / server when not in use.

    Got questions? Follow @sk89q on Twitter or join us on IRC (irc.esper.net on #sk89q). Read the quick start guide too.


    • Delete everything in your selection: //set 0
    • Change all the blocks in an area to stone: //set stone
    • Set an area to 33% sand, 33% glass, 33% brick: //set sand,glass,brick
    • Set an area to 20% iron ore, 80% coal ore: //set 20%ironore,80%coalore
    • Set all selected blocks in Extreme Hills to workbenches: //set $extremehills workbench
    • Replace all grass with sand: //replace grass sand
    • Replace grass and sand with brick: //replace grass,sand brick
    • Replace everything not brick to sandstone: //replace !brick sandstone
    • Replace all blocks above grass with brick: //replace >grass brick
    • Replace all blocks below wool with brick: //replace <wool brick
    • Procedurally generate caves using 3D Perlin noise: //replace =perlin(0,x/2,y,z/2,0.05,3,0.8)<0.1 air
    • Make the selected area bumpy: //deform y+=0.2*sin(x*10)
    • Surround an area with fences: //walls fence
    • Copy your selection and paste it somewhere: //copy and //paste
    • Rotate your clipboard's contents by 90 degrees: //rotate 90
    • Turn your clipboard's contents upside down: //rotate 0 180
    • Flip your clipboard's contents: //flip
    • Save your clipboard's selection to a schematic file: //schematic save example
    • Load a schematic file: //schematic load example
    • Use your clipboard's contents as repeating pattern: //set #copy
    • Coat the ground with tall grass: //overlay tallgrass
    • Repeat a selected bridge section 5 times: //stack 5
    • Move the selected area 5 blocks down: //move 5 up
    • Smooth an area and remove bumps: //smooth
    • Generate a torus of major radius 0.75 and minor radius 0.25: //g stone (0.75-sqrt(x^2+y^2))^2+z^2 < 0.25^2
    • Generate a heart shape: //g wool:red (z/2)^2+x^2+(5*y/4-sqrt(abs(x)))^2<0.6
    • Generate a circular hyperboloid: //g stone -(z^2/12)+(y^2/4)-(x^2/12)>-0.03
    • Generate a rainbow torus://g wool data=(32+15/2/pi*atan2(x,y))%16; (0.75-sqrt(x^2+y^2))^2+z^2 < 0.25^2
    • Generate a sphere where you're standing: //sphere glass 4
    • Generate an ellipsoid where you're standing: //e wool 10,10
    • Generate a cylinder where you're standing: //cyl brick 10,10
    • Generate a pyramid where you're standing: //pyramid grass 4
    • Create a forest around you: /forestgen 20
    • Generate a bunch of pumpkin patches: /pumpkins 10
    • Regenerate an area: //regen
    • Fill holes with brick, without filling crevices: //fill brick 20
    • Fill holes with brick, while filling crevices: //fillr brick 20
    • Remove a pool of fluid of 20 radius: //drain 20
    • Fix water/lava lakes containing annoying flowing water: /fixwater 30
    • Simulate snowfall over an area of 30 blocks radius: /snow 30
    • Remove snow in an area of 30 blocks radius: /thaw 30
    • Remove fires in a radius of 20 blocks: /ex 20
    • Turn smoothstone and dirt into layers of grass, dirt, and stone: //green 30
    • Remove mobs in a 20 block radius: /butcher 20
    • Use "sphere brush" to place spheres where you look: /br sphere glass 5
    • Use "cylinder brush" to place cylinders where you look: /br cyl glass 5
    • Create a sphere brush that replaces bricks with glass: /br sphere glass 5 and /mask brick
    • Generate trees by right clicking on the ground: /tree oak
    • Delete trees by right clicking them: /deltree
    • Long range building tool: /lrbuild glass rock
    • Display information about blocks by right clicking them: /info
    • List chunks covered by your selection: /listchunks
    • Tell you information about the current chunk: /chunkinfo
    • Write scripts to change blocks in JavaScript
    • Restore sections of your world from backups using //restore


    Download for Bukkit
    Download for Forge

    Download for LiteLoader (unofficial)


    How do I install WorldEdit?

    1. First, install Minecraft Forge.
    2. Download WorldEdit and put the file into your "mods" folder.
    3. Run your game or server!

    Where do I learn how to use WorldEdit?

    Read the quick start guide first. To learn how to use WorldEdit, read the wiki. Check YouTube for tutorials too!

    Where can I get my questions answered?

    You may visit our IRC channel (irc.esper.net on #sk89q) or ask @sk89q on Twitter.

    Where can I report bugs or request features?

    Visit our issue tracker. However, if you just have a question, ask in this thread.

    Can I include WorldEdit in my modpack?

    You are free to include WorldEdit, without having to asking for explicit permission.

    Can I download WorldEdit's source code?

    Visit our GitHub repository. WorldEdit is licensed under LGPLv3 and you can compile it with Maven.

    Last edited by sk89q: Jun 7, 2015

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  • #2 Jan 27, 2011

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  • #3 Jan 27, 2011

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  • #4 Jan 27, 2011

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  • #6 Jan 27, 2011

    FINALLY! My maps were missing the brilliance of excessive amounts of snow!

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    Link Removed
    Tutorials and Mods and Things and Stuff - blog.yofreke.com

  • #7 Jan 27, 2011

    Why thank you! Was searching around for something like this and BAM! There's WorldEdit. :Diamond:

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  • #8 Jan 28, 2011

    i don't know if i am the only one but i cannot get the //copy command to work or the //save or savearea if that is it
    and paste i do not know if it works and same with load. please help or tell me if i screwed up with the installing somewhere.

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  • #9 Jan 28, 2011

    I too, cannot use most commands. i followed all instrusctions to the dot. if it possible that this is a conflict with zan's minimap, or MrMMod's betterlight?

    EDIT: if it helps:
    the file./miecraft/mods/sppcommands/worldedit.properties does not appear

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    Fifth seat of the Circle of Magi
    I had a chat with the shipboard computer...
    It hates me.

  • #10 Jan 28, 2011

    I didn't expect to see this popular SMP mod here, but great job with porting it to singleplayer!

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    1. Cry a river
    2. Build a bridge
    3. Get over it

  • #11 Jan 28, 2011

    Heh, thought I was on the wrong forum when I saw this thread.This is a great day indeed.

    Thanks a ton, sk8 and simo!

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  • #12 Jan 28, 2011

    Ok At first I was having minor issues. Mainly since I was used to how SPC had some of this added in. //set1 and //set2 are finicky and only occasionally work it seems. It worked once without a tool, then once with a tool, but nothing since and not sure why.

    Edit: Doh, Soo many minor differences between this and how it was previous in SPC.
    Also the file./minecraft/mods/sppcommands/worldedit.properties does not appear.

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  • #13 Jan 28, 2011

    sounds like people arent putting the worldedit.jar in their Bin folder

    if you drop worldedit.jar in your minecraft.jar it wont work

    instructions state it clearly

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  • #15 Jan 28, 2011

    Cool i thing i will get it :smile.gif:

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  • #17 Jan 28, 2011


    might I make a suggestion and throw the worldedit.jar into a seperate folder that says put in Bin

    the intelligence and reading comprehension on this forum is horrible

    but doing that might cut down on the stupid posts a little


    nice mod

    loving it

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  • #18 Jan 28, 2011


    I have followed the instructions to the DOT, and have tested possible scenarios. if i rename worldedit.jar to ~worldedit.jar, spp gives me errors, so obviously i have put it in the correct place. i checked in my minecraft.jar, and all the class files are in there. i even downloaded a clean release and modded that one. and yes, i deleted META-INF.

    I cannot see how i went wrong. EVERYTHING is in its right place, and i can use some worldedit commands. but not all of them.....
    It's like the commands just dont actually exist

    EDIT: See? worledit is in the right place...

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    Fifth seat of the Circle of Magi
    I had a chat with the shipboard computer...
    It hates me.

  • #19 Jan 28, 2011

    Some commands do not appear to respond at all. I'm talking to sino to see whose problem it is.

    Also, in good news, sino got the wand & compass working and it will be in the next version of SPC. You can also now build from far away with /brush and /rbrush because of it (although /reach <dist> in SPC also allows you to place blocks from far away.)

    And fun:

    //replace rock,grass,dirt,gravel,sand,coalore 50%cloth:red,50%cloth //replace log cloth:darkgreen //replace leaves cloth:green

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  • #20 Jan 29, 2011

    So far so good, I'm not having any problems at all.

    Although I will ask, how do you turn off the /treegen? Where you right click with a pickaxe to place a tree? I remember I couldn't figure out how to turn the command off after I used it on my MP server.

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  • #21 Jan 29, 2011

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  • #22 Jan 29, 2011

    I'm having trouble with some commands as well. Some do work, but copy, paste, and save do not. I can set the selection using //pos or //hpos and use //cut, but I can't get //paste to work. I have tried it both with mods and with a clean game installation. It looks like a great tool - I can't wait till you get the bugs worked out.

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  • #23 Jan 29, 2011

    Quote from Grimmz »

    So far so good, I'm not having any problems at all.

    Although I will ask, how do you turn off the /treegen? Where you right click with a pickaxe to place a tree? I remember I couldn't figure out how to turn the command off after I used it on my MP server.


    Quote from Kewaho »

    I'm having trouble with some commands as well. Some do work, but copy, paste, and save do not. I can set the selection using //pos or //hpos and use //cut, but I can't get //paste to work. I have tried it both with mods and with a clean game installation. It looks like a great tool - I can't wait till you get the bugs worked out.

    Yeah, I'm looking into that.

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